I’m sure that you’ve heard by now that Brian Nichols, have been accused of shooting a judge, two deputies, a federal agent, and a court reporter here in my hometown of Atlanta. The state of Georgia gets the first crack him since the feds will have a difficult case in the murder of the federal agent: The feds must prove that Nichols knew that the man he killed was a federal agent in order to convict. Ashley , one of Nichols’ captors managed to keep herself alive and end all of this stuff. Props to her. She deserves every penny of the reward money. She should take it and whatever book or movie deal she gets and bail outta town.
I had the day off when all of this was happening. I was sitting in front of the computer, getting ready to listen to Neal Boortz. There was some special alert on. I turn off the radio and flip to WSB Channel 2. There is was: Chaos in downtown Atlanta. The suspect was black, bald, and six foot two. If you haven’t been to Atlanta, our unofficial nickname is "The Chocolate City". Finding a bald, black guy over six feet tall is NOT hard here. Plus, that’s is MY physical description. My wife, The Pook, told me to not go out. She was afraid that I was going to be accosted by the police. In this case, she is probably right.
Twenty four hours later, Nichols is in custody. I watch the press conference with the various law enforcement agencies regarding the Nichols capture. Is it just me or does the Fulton County Sheriff needs to be taught how to speak in public? This guy was sounding like someone who was just hit with some novocaine. Great, I thought. Let’s give the people who think that Georgia is some backwoods state a little bit more ammo, shall we? Anyway, I just hope Nichols gets the arm and the hammer on this one. I’m surprised that the death penalty hasn’t been discussed yet. I have problems with the death penalty in some respect, but this guy is screaming to be put in old Sparky. Guess we’ll see what happens.
President Dubya and this Republican Congress ARE NOT looking out for the common man. If he is, then why is this bill take makes it harder for people to declare bankruptcy going through so quickly? There are people who lost their jobs. There are people with huge medical bills. There are people who have nothing after divorce. Yet, this so called Congress is making in harder for people to get the slate clean. Don’t give me this garbage about people should be more responsible and should pay their bills. Sometimes, people can’t, okay? THINGS HAPPEN BEYOND PEOPLE"S CONTROL SOMETIMES. The credit card companies and other companies sell accounts to collection agencies: They ARE NOT losing any money. This bankruptcy bill is a total joke.
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