Like most of you, I saw the debacle that occurred in Detroit at the Pistons-Pacers game. It was replaying over and over on ESPN like it was the President getting shot or something. By the looks of it, it looks likelots of people are going to be off the court for a long time. Since then, I’ve heard a lot of people blaming the players for going up in the stands. I’ve heard people blaming the fans for throwing things at the players. Sure, there is a lot of bad blood and all to sling around.
Ben Wallace shoved Ron Artest after the referee correctly called the foul against Arest. The bench clears. After everything calms down, some fan throws something at Arest. Artest goes up and attacked whom he though did it. Chaos ensues. One can argue that if Ben Wallace didn’t start shoving, no one this would have happen. As far as attacking the fan, I only fault Artest for attacking the wrong guy. I’m tired of people saying that they’re athletes and that they should take the high road and that there’s no reason to go into the stands. Bullshit. If a fan was talking trash, that’s one thing. Throwing shit is different. Technically speaking, that is assault. Just because you get pay a large sum of money does not give people a free pass to throw things out you. Sorry, I blame the fan that threw the cup. Do you want to argue that Arest overreacted? Fine. However, the fan caused the action that initiated the fight in the crowd. Any reasonable person should have expected some reaction or retaliation from throwing something. That is why you don’t screw with people.
Let’s stop living in Candyland, folks. I don’t deal with what things as the way they “ought to be”. I deal with them as they are. The fact is that if you initiate some sort of physical violence or assault on someone, there is a good chance you will get your ass whipped. There is a good chance that the retaliation for your action is something that you may not be able to handle. You would have no one to blame if that happens. Yeah, Artest went after the wrong guy, but you get my point. Don’t get it twisted, Arest is no freaking Boy Scout. He got suspended twice last season that I know of. He has an anger management issue. However, if you’re going to beat the shit out of someone, at least beat the shit out of the right guy.
As far as the suspensions go, I think that Artest’s suspension is more than appropriate given his past history. I think Wallace’s suspension is unfair as is Reggie Miller’s and the other guys that were suspended for a game. What was up with that? They didn’t do anything that I could see. I guess you have to make a statement. If I were in David Stern’s shoes, I’d do the same thing. You have to let people know that you won’t tolerate tossing haymakers. It will be interesting since the Pacers and the Piston have three more games this season to play. In total, nine people were suspended. Amazing. I’m sure that we won’t be able to go to a NBA game without being frisked anymore. Then again, it’s not like the Hawks are kicking butt anyway.
Oh yeah, I finally saw the so-called controversial Monday Night Football opening with Terrell Owens. I saw nothing offensive or more obscene that what you would normally see on television. There was nothing wrong with that segment. Nothing. The fact that this is even a topic of discussion at all just shows how pathetic this country is. This hypersensitive restriction on television and radio makes me sick. These people who were offended by this skit should get a fucking life. Seriously. I’m sick and tired of a vocal minority telling me what is appropriate for me to watch on television. I’m sick of the government telling broadcasters what they can and cannot say or air, which pisses on the free speech provisions of the First Amendment of the Constitution. I am especially sick and tired of people who want to censor material in the name of the children. These people get my special ire and will hopefully be in a lower chamber of hell that I will. To me, if I hear someone argue for or against an issue and the only thing that they use to support their position is God, the Bible, or children, I know that I am talking to a fucking idiot. If you don’t want your children exposed to something, take some damn responsibility as a parent and turn off the television. Oh yeah, shut your fucking mouth. I hate the self-centeredness of some parents as if having children gives them a right to piss on other people. They think that the world revolves around their children. It doesn’t. I shouldn’t have to be deprived of television or radio programming because you forgot to use a condom. I’m sorry, but I truly believe that the right or ability for television and radio stations to air any content they choose supercedes your concerns about “offensive” material that you or your children might see or hear. I truly believe that the unrestricted application of the First Amendment is more important than not offending Grandma and little Bobby and Susie. Damn right, I said. Damn right. Shake your money makers, Nicole! Woo hoo!
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