Watched the debate between President Dubya and Senator Kerry. It was very interesting to say the least. I think Kerry had it on lock. Dubya spoke a little better than he usually did and a couple of good points (like saying that the war on terror should be multifaceted). However, Kerry had direct, articulate answers to every question. The only thing that Dubya was saying is that
tired old mantra that the right wing has been trying to pin on Kerry: Being a "flip flopper". For whatever reason, that pisses me off. Maybe it's because it's an ad hominem attack and really doesn't cover the issue that need to be debated. You run that crap long enough, people will start to believe. I can talk about the hunt for Mr. Bin Laden and the formation of the 9/11 commission alone to show how much of a so called flip flopper Dubya is. I was yelling at the television so much that I will probably be hoarse tomorrow. The fact is that Kerry was more prepared and articulate and Dubya was unprepared and, in a way, acted very smug and arrogant. That's what I got right now. Off to bed.
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