Thoughts, Rants, Raves, and Drama.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Excuse me for the long time between entries, gang. I’m dealing with trying to find another Internet provider. Don’t ask. Sigh.

Now, that we’ve cleared up all the drama regarding this Election Day, it’s time for me to chime in with a few thoughts.

As I always, I preface my remarks by stating that I do not consider myself Democrat or Republican, nor liberal or conservative. The political philosophy I lean toward is libertarianism. I truly believe that the only laws that should be made are ones that prevent threats to life, liberty, and property through force or fraud. I do not believe that the government should be used as an instrument to compel other people to live life by someone else’s "moral" code. Despite what others think in my home state of Georgia, there are people who don’t believe in God in this world that are also moral, decent people.

Having said that, I fear the worst for this country now that President Dubya gets four more years. I believe that this man is mentally inept. I believe that the war in Iraq will not make us safer, but more despised. I do not see any evidence that Iraq was an imminent threat to the safety of our country. I see that Osama is still on the loose. More than 1000 U.S. soldiers are dead Unlike the current occupant of the White House, I believe in stem cell research. It may not be up and running for the Pook, but the stepkids may not have to deal with diabetes. However, 51% of the voting public believe that this guy is doing a good job. Are they just totally stupid?

In any case, I think that the country can survive poor leadership. The country cannot survive an ill informed public. I fail to see how anyone can objectively look at the President and see that he is doing a good job. Again, I’m not singing Kerry’s praises either, but c’mon here! I guess the evil you know is better than the evil you don’t, huh? People say that morality came back to the election. I say people who want the government to compel others to live life by THEIR morality came to this election.

Also, because of being the Bible Belt, the amendment banning homosexual marriage past here in Georgia and ten more states. Way to love, or not to love, your fellow neighbor. I love my home state of Georgia and this country, but the re-election of President Dubya and the passing of the amendment banning homosexual marriage are embarrassing. If rejecting the philosophy of conservatives and Republicans in this country makes me wrong, then I don’t want to be right.