I love it when these right wing bitches get served. The autopsy on Terry Schavio came out recently. Interesting that they found no evidence of any physical abuse. Terry was blind. Her brain was smaller than that of a normal human being. She could not eat normally. She was not going to come out of what she was in. The only thing that she could do for herself was breath. Yet these right wing, conservative pundits want to run off at the mouth about her being able to track a balloon with her eyes and such. Some of these right wing fools are still to this day, even after the results of the autospy, are still trying to go on about this. No, Mike Shchavio could not "give" Terry back to her parents under Florida law. No, she would not get better. Yet, these freaks keep pushing it. Maybe I'm not supposed to understand it.
One of my best friends, Vicki, came up for a visit. I think I'll save that one for next time.
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