The more I stay silent, the more you all act up. Time for me to spank the wicked with my left hand and pet the righteous with my right as I do some quick takes.
1. Without getting too nasty, words cannot describe the disdain that I have for Ann Coulter. Don’t get it twisted. I hated Ann Coulter BEFORE this latest batch of verbal feces that came out of her piehole. I’m down with free speech, even if I find the words personally repugnant. On the other hand, someone needs to say something when people talk out of her ass. Her comments about the Jersey Girls were pure crap. Of course, you can respond to anyone if you think that they’re off, even to women who lost their husbands in the World Trade Center. The problem is that these right wing bastards on television and radio do not want to talk about the issues or, at the very least, not just the issues. They want to spit this ad hominem attacks. For example, have you ever heard any of this right wing pricks logically refute a stance Ted Kennedy has on an issue without bringing up Mary Jo? Not to belittle a young woman’s dead, but the personal faults and pass mistakes of a person who takes a certain position on anything does not in any way refute the argument. That’s freaking Philosophy 101 or Debate Class 101. Ann’s not pissed because she can’t respond to the Jersey Girls. Ann’s pissed because she’ll look like a fucking bully if she does her usual name calling. I’ve never heard her make a logical argument. I’ve read two of her shitty books and a few of her columns. I would love to end this bit by saying what I would love to see happen to Ann Coulter, but I don’t want to go to jail for saying it on this website. Coulter is no different from the stereotypical stupid blonde. She’s just smart enough to convince the conservative idiots to follow her. Now that this plagiarism charge is going around, hopefully this shrew will be taken down a couple of pegs.
2. Homicide: Life On The Streets is on every day on Sleuth. This show is excellent. I never miss an airing and work the Tivo if I can’t see it. Why did I not this show when it was on the air? I love Andre Braugher, but I don’t know if he will ever find a role as cool as Frank Pembleton again. I’m reading the book the show was based off of by David Simon.
3. I’ve always been curious about Veronica Mars. Can anyone tell me if that’s a good show?
4. I’ve begun to watch MSNBC a lot. I love Keith on Countdown, especially when he picks on Bill O’Reilly. Olberman is carrying that network as far as I’m concerned. Between Tucker and all those damn crime specials, it’s a wonder that Court TV isn’t pissed. Speaking of MSNBC crime specials, how many damn Internet predator shows do they have? Are these guys stupid or what? I’ve always been curious about how the police can arrest someone for soliciting sex from a minor no minor was actually involved in said action. I’m no legal wizard. I’m just asking the question. Anyway, it’s a great alternative to CNN and the POS Fox News. Anyway, we need more Keith.
5. Cedric the Entertainer said that no one blinks when a predominately black show leaves the air. Let’s face it. With the exception of Everybody Hates Chris and a few others, most so called black shows suck. Hey, I’m black, so I can say it. What happened to show like Good Times and The Jeffersons and Sanford and Son? Those shows rocked. Chris Rock makes a kick ass show that anyone would love no matter who they are. Anyone can relate to that show. Maybe that’s why it’s doing so well.
6. I need to read up on what’s popping off in the Middle East with Israel and the recent uprisings that they are involved. I’m not a conservative talk show host. I want to know what I’m talking about when I make an opinion.
7. After seeing her interview on Good Morning America, I have more respect and love for Sheryl Crow now than ever. Her songs has got me through a lot and given me a lot of perspective and hope. I would say that Miss Crow is on the top ten famous people that I’d love to meet someday.
8. There are three podcasts that I listen to religiously. In no particular order of importance, those three are Lionel out of WOR Radio in New York City, Blast The Right with Jack Clark, and SG Inc. I’ll go into more detail on these podcasts sometime in the future.
9. I’m about to celebrate another birthday soon. To me, I don’t feel like I’m older or wiser. I feel like I survived another year. Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad that I survived another year. Most people don’t. For some idiotic reason, that freaks me out sometimes. The fact that I will eventually cease to exist. It’s not something I dwell on. However, there are nights when all of my anxieties creep upon me when I try to sleep with the “Omigod, I’m gonna die....eventually” thought creeps on me with the myriad of other stupid fears and mistakes that I made that day. Not much I can do about it, for now anyway. Denis Leary said in No Cure For Cancer that happiness comes in small doses. You just have to get enough small doses to add up to bigger doses, I guess. I don’t claim to posses any special insight. I’m trying to figure it all out like the rest of you.
More later. Stay out of trouble.
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