The first blog entry of 2005. Geez, Louise! Listening to Green Day’s
Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Enjoyed the warm 70 degree days and hoping that they will come back as soon as possible. I abhor cold weather. Very much. Words cannot describe my disdain for cold temps. On the other hand, I do like to play in the snow. Also, snow means days off in this part of the country, so there you go.
This week, the nation celebrated the birthday of Atlanta’s own Martin Luther King, Jr. What would MLK think of the world if he were around today? Between 9/11, gangsta rap, the hostage in Iran, the Iran Contra scandal, and reality television, I don’t think that he would be too pleased. Seems like his dream of nonviolence has gone up in smoke. Pretty easy to see that. Violence, unfortunately, works. Why? Violence brings instant results. Instant results are attractive these days. It takes a whole lot more effort and patience to talk diplomatically and smooth out your differences that it is to beat the crap out of your opponent until he drops. Much easier to pick up a gun than to squash beef. Much easier to walk out on a marriage than it is to work it out. Much easier to get your guts sucked out than to exercise. The true legitmate win without the steriods and the Viagra takes work. Real peace takes work. Who’s up for it?
It amazes me about the lack of priorities this country has. People are bitching at moaning about the action of a football player. So the Vikings’ Randy Moss PRETENDED to moon the Cheeseheads after a touchdown pass. Big fricking deal. When visiting teams leave Lambau Field, the Cheeseheads moon the leaving bus, so what’s the big deal? This is such a non-issue that the fact that people are actually outraged is pathetic. Don’t you people have something important to worry about? On the other hand, very little is being said regarding Armstrong Williams, the black conservative pundit, taking almost a quarter of a million dollars to prop President Dubya’s No Child Left Behind program on his television and radio programs. First of all, it’s against the law for government to have private citizens push their ideas. The Anti-Lobbying Act alone makes that illegal. Second, why would someone piss on their credibility by taking a payoff of any kind? Are you that low that your opinions be bought? Yeah, I know that talk radio hosts are not the same as journalists, but there is something unethical about that, right? In fact, a lot of these right wing hacks lie a lot. Hell, a lot of these right wing hacks would sing Dubya’s praises for free. Speaking of the Vikings, they are gone, aren’t they? My hometown Atlanta Falcons spanked the Rams. Now, they must face the Eagles in order to get to the Super Bowl. Needless to say, I think that Michael Vick and company can pull it off. Go Falcons!!!
People are bitching about all the money that is being spent for this inauguration of President Stupid. I don’t give a crap one way or the other, but the arguments are pretty funny. I heard Matt Drudge defend it by saying that the cost of the Tom Hanks film
The Polar Express was four times more that the inauguration. What? Let’s compare apples and oranges, shall we? This shindig is being funded by taxpayer money, okay? People freely give their money to see Tom Hanks’ films. You know, those evil people who live in the blue states. Like I said, I didn’t have much faith in either candidate in the last presidential election. However, I always see the conservative, Republicans as the more evil of the two. I don’t believe in the liberal’s view of political correctness. However, I feel that the conservative’s attempt to use the power of government to compel others to live life by
THEIR moral standards is a bigger threat than any pot smoking pinhead. Someone in Esquire said it best: Conservatives are hated not because they push Christian values, but because they are pushing the moral equivalent of the 55 MPH speed limit. Well put. Anyway, let the pinhead have his party. Remember that the GOP has total control. They will have no one to blame when it all goes to hell.
I had a weird dream recently. See what you can make of this. I was driving in a car with the Pook and Ice Cube. I stopped at a red light when this hood tried to car jack. The Pook splits. I get out of the car and struggle with the hood for control of the gun. The gun goes off in the struggle, hitting the hood. The hood is DRT: Dead Right There. Even though it was clearly self defense, I fear that the cops would still arrest me. Ice Cube and I stuff the body in the trunk. While I clean up, the cops drive up and they get suspicious. I call Mike Epps on the phone and tell him that there’s trouble. Mike Epps show up quickly dressed as a cop with a fake cop car and tells the real cops that he will take it from here. The real cops leave. We all go home. When I get home, The Pook is waiting in the bedroom with two other women. The bedroom has this giant circular white bed with netting, taking up the whole room. I can identify one of the other two women: Sarah Jessica Parker. She gives me a smooch on the lips before I wake up. Is that my subconiscous desiring old N.W.A albums and
Sex and the City reruns or what?