Thoughts, Rants, Raves, and Drama.

Friday, March 17, 2006

So while I was in the Midwest recently with the Pook, I grabbed a copy of the April 2006 issue of Vanity Fair. On the cover. Teri Hatcher from the show Desperate Housewives. Interesting article. I guess the part that was most disturbing was when she was talking about when she was sexually molested by her uncle for years. Years later, Teri finds out that this piece of crap did this is over 30 children. One of them got to the point to she put a pistol to her head and pulled the trigger. I'm sorry, but I can't imagine what goes through the mind of anyone who is sexually attracted to a child. Not that hearing this is anything new: I'm a psychology major. I accept the fact that there is evil in this world, but people like that should die a slow painfully death. I can't tell you what compelled me to buy that issue.

Now that I think about it, I do. The Pook bust my balls on the regular for not finding women 40 and over attractive. Well, actually, I do. Has any seen Annette Benning? She's pretty hot. Teri Hatcher is hot. I think that she looks a hell of a lot better now than when she was doing that Superman show. Now that I ponder it, all the women on Desperate Housewives are pretty hot. Cross, Huffman, Eva, Sheridan, and Hatcher have a way about them. So there ya go.

One more thing: If there is anyone who works for the big wigs at the Jack In the Box fast food chain, I have one question: Why aren't you guys in Atlanta? The nearest Jack In the Box is in freakin' Spartanburg, South Carolina! I've been addicted to Jumbo Jack ever since I lived in Reno. I shouln't have to drive 250 miles to get one. Yes, I know gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins, but if I had one in Atlanta, I'd down a $20 bill and demanded several Jumbo Jacks. ASAP bee-youtch. Then again, I can't complain too much. Atlanta finally got Fatburger. Yum-my!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Interesting article I read in today’s USA Today: How what you can say online can hurt you. The article sights several examples of people getting suspended from school or expelled or have had job offers rescinded because of what they said on their web pages.
Totally insane. There is a part of me that thinks, “Well, if some goofball kid says that he’s gonna shoot up the biology class on Myspace, you wanna put the kabosh on it quickly.” On the other hand, I don’t think kids should be penalized for what they say on the Internet on their own time on their own computer, no matter how evil and mean spirited it is. I do believe in the unrestricted application of the First Amendment across the board except in cases of libel or slander. I just think that, in most cases, that someone of these people are thin skinned school officials that forget the fact that kids are going to hate them and talk smack. The only difference is that nowadays, the forum is bigger and global. As long as there aren’t any open threats to self multilation or violence or any illegal activites, the fact that some high school kids hate their homeroom teacher isn’t cause to put a boot to their necks.

Still, you have to watch what you say and post on the Internet. For example (and I know that I’m going to get in a lot of trouble for this, but here goes anyway), I’m extremely amused when I can the websites of Myspace and see pages with photos of young women who are in their underwear or Wonderbras. Then these women start complaining about the responses that they are getting from guys. Am I missing something? Don’t get it twisted. Lord knows that I’m a far from a prude. We won’t even talk about the coolness that are breasts. It is not appropriate for total strangers to hit you women up offering you’re a pearl necklace and a facial when they’re not talking a trip to Tiffany & Company and your local day spa. On the other hand, dressing a certain way gets a certain response. In a perfect world, women should be able to dress any way they want to and be respected. However, this is not the case. In the words of George Carlin, you have to deal with things as they are and not how it “ought to be”. We all know how men are. We are human beings with rational minds and can choose our behavior. However, the biological imperative of all males in any species is to spread their seed among as many females as possible. So, based on that, some guys have really crude and annoying behavior. If you are going to put up your best Victoria Secret model photos, don’t be surprised when the dudes that haven’t got laid since the Regan administration come out the woodworks with propositions of sex. Then again, it’s easier to hit on girls on the Internet. More than likely, half the guys wouldn’t be as crude if they had to say that stuff to a girl’s face. Who knows?

My point is to watch your ass on the Internet. You never know who is watching…or reading.