Thoughts, Rants, Raves, and Drama.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Oh, my stars and garters! I've been waiting for this one, especially since this yenta is making my state look bad.

Jennifer Wilbanks, the woman from the Atlanta surburb of Duluth, bailed out of her wedding and fled to New Mexico. Days later, she stated that she was kidnapped and raped by a Hispanic male and a white female. Later, she confessed it was a fib. Needless to say, the people of Duluth were pissed about this ruse, not to mentioned the wedding guess. Today, Ms. Wilbanks was charged with one felony count of making a false statement to the police and one misdemeanor count of filing a false police report. If the max is given to her, she's looking at six years. Of course, that's not going to happen since she's a girl and a nutjob. One can dream, right?

Someone should bitch slap this so called man of God, the Reverend Chan Chandler in Waynesville, North Carolina. This asshole was forced to resign after he said that any in his church that does not President Bush should leave. What a fuckhead. I'm no Bible scholar, but I think that Jesus would not be hanging out with you judgemental prick. I sure as hell don't think that Jesus is a freaking Republican.

Also, I hope that Danica Patrick wins the Indy 500. Or at least, she puts on a hell of a showing. I don't even care too much about auto racing, but I dig Danica. I dig that the fact that she wants to have some freaking skills and not rest on the fact that she's a woman to have slack cut for her. You go girl!