Thoughts, Rants, Raves, and Drama.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Just getting ready for bed after this first day of summer. Luckily, my new job is a second shift one. Anyway, I've been trying to get tracks from the Fiona Apple joint, Extraordinary Machine. According to the sources I could find, Sony is not releasing the album because they felt that they could not find a commercially appealing track. Jeez! God forbid anyone puts out good music, right? If these record companies can't fit the pegs into their holes, they toss you to the side. From what I heard, Fiona's stuff is great. What I heard from the album so far kicks ass, especially Not In Love. Anyway, there is a campaign to get the album, released commercially. Might as well. Gotta give Sony another reason to sue people even though they're not losing any money. Go to for more details. Keep your fingers crossed.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

What the big thing that been in the news lately? Tom Cruise proposing to Katie Holmes. I don't know about this one. As far as actors go, I dig both of them. I dig Tom Cruise. I think that someone that does the Oscars should be bitch slapped because he should have got some love for Collateral. Hell, Tom should have got some love for Rain Man. I dig Katie for some of the work she did outside Dawson's Creek.

Having said that, I don't have a problem with Tom and Katie's relationship as much as I have a problem with the media's obsession with it. Jesus Christ, who fucking cares? I can't hate on Tom: If I was a single 41 year old dude giving the high hard one to some hot 25 year old Hollywood woman, I'd be jumping up and down on couches too. On the other hand, this has been going on for less than 6 months. If one of my friends were going to marry someone that they've only known for six months, I'd advise them to think about it. Then again, I don't know these people. Then again, I didn't ask to be informed about their dating habits. Which brings me back to the media.

Look, good for them. If this is real, God bless them. On the other hand, do we not have more important things to worry about? We have an idiotic president that has us in an idiotic war. Our civil rights are going to shit. We have the bullshit Republicans party. Let's keep our eye on the ball, shall we?

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I love it when these right wing bitches get served. The autopsy on Terry Schavio came out recently. Interesting that they found no evidence of any physical abuse. Terry was blind. Her brain was smaller than that of a normal human being. She could not eat normally. She was not going to come out of what she was in. The only thing that she could do for herself was breath. Yet these right wing, conservative pundits want to run off at the mouth about her being able to track a balloon with her eyes and such. Some of these right wing fools are still to this day, even after the results of the autospy, are still trying to go on about this. No, Mike Shchavio could not "give" Terry back to her parents under Florida law. No, she would not get better. Yet, these freaks keep pushing it. Maybe I'm not supposed to understand it.

One of my best friends, Vicki, came up for a visit. I think I'll save that one for next time.