It’s the end of the month. Just time for a few quick bits.
1. My heart goes out to our friends across the pond. It’s a sick world where London has to deal with two sick sets of sons of bitches trying to blow them away on the way to work. I am also impressed that British police caught the suspects so quickly. Why can't the authorities in my country get it straight? Then again, Osama bin Laden is still at large.
2. If you’re missing The Closer, you’re missing a great show. Kyra Sedgwick is great. However, the Pook and I noticed one flaw that needs mentioning. In one episode, Sedgwick’s character, who is supposed to be an Atlanta native (like myself), was complaining that there are too many streets in Los Angeles named Mullholland. Wouldn’t someone from Atlanta be familiar with that since there are several different streets named Peachtree here? Sorry. Other than that, it’s a great show.
3. Bill Mahr is the truth. Look at his new HBO special. Everything that he is saying is on point.
4. Talk radio in Atlanta, with the exception of Boortz, is shit. The local affiliate dropped Lionel, who does his show out of WOR Radio in New York. Anyone who is not a conservative talk show host in Atlanta gets shut down unless is Phil Henrie or Art Bell or some shitty sport talk radio jock sniffer. There are a few bright spots of the weekend like Frank and Joe locally and Handel on the Law nationally, but that’s it. Sirius or XM is going to be at the top of the wish list. I love my home state, but I fucking hate living in a red state. Such knucle dragging fucks around here.
My birthday is this Friday. One more year alive. Thank God.
More later on.