Thoughts, Rants, Raves, and Drama.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Okay, I've been silent long enough about the issue with Cindy Sheenan. In case you haven't heard, Cindy has been setting up camp near President Dubya's vacation place in Crawford, Texas. Cindy's son, Casey, was killed over in Iraq. Cindy wants to meet with the President and have her explain to him why her son had to die in this, in my opinion, stupid war. Your president has dodged this woman like a rubber ball, citing that he met with her once already. I've been hearing all these right wing myrmidons dissing her like she's Osama herself. I'm sick of it.

I think Cindy has a vaild point. I support her right to protest. I applaud her efforts. I reject any idea that those who don't support the war are "traitors." It is our responsibilty and obligation as American citizens to check the government when we think they are in the wrong. C'mon people! Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. The government has totally forgot about catching bin Laden. Iraq has no WMD and couldn't pop a pimple, much less start a war. I think that Sheenan has every right to do something. Back off Cindy, assholes!

Monday, August 08, 2005

I'll take Stupid Television Cancellations for $200, Alex. Again, another offense from the Fox Television. The network where crap like Hell's Kitchen, The Simple Life, and American Idol rages on, they had to cancel Fastlane. Yeah, I know, it was cancelled two years ago, but I'm still bent. I figure I need to, after I get my own shit together, work on a campaign to get this show on DVD. If you can't remember, this show had Bill Bellamy and Peter Facinelli as two LAPD cops with Tiffany Thiessen. It lasted a full season. The reruns are currently being shown weekends on Court TV. I'll have to work on an online petition. Now I got to get those fools at Fox programming for dissing The Inside.