As you guys are winding into the holiday season, let me break you off with a few quick shots:
1. This illegal wiretap thing with President Dubya is totally inexcusable. As far as I’m concerned, he has pissed on the Constitution. Why is this asshole not in jail? Don’t tell that we can’t protect this country without destroying the ideals it stands for. The terrorists have already won by the existence of the Patriot Act and this jackoff doing illegal wiretaps. We are getting close to being a police state. The terrorists have already won.
2. Don’t get it twisted. I love U2, which is one of my favorite bands. I love the fact that Microsoft and its products have helped my life for the better. I agree that philanthropy is a good thing. However, after everything that has happened this year, can you real say that Bono and Mr. and Mrs. Gates should be Time’s Persons of the Year? Have their actions made more of an impact for better or worse this year, as Time’s guideline says. I think that thing that had the most impact that year is Mother Nature. Don’t believe me? Ask people in Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana.
3. You dudes have to get a video Ipod. I got one a Christmas present. It’s a beautiful thing. The fact that I can get my talk radio shows and videos is cool. Finally, Apple has got it down.
4. Props to Saturday Night Live’s Chris Parnell and Adam Samburg for “Lazy Sunday”. Not only is it one of the funniest skits on show in a while, it’s not a bad rap song. The Internet is going nuts over the video. There are even T-shirts available. Yowza. Go to Slate . I think this guy may say it better than I do.