And now, a few quick shots for the new year.
1. Get off James Frey's dick. I'm in the process of reading A Million Little Pieces, and it's a good book so far. So he didn't do three months in the hole. So fucking what? He's telling the story of hom he got his life back form the dependency of drugs. That's the morale of the story. So he embellished a bit. Big deal. Leave the man alone. The story that should be more compelling to rid is the fact that I bought the book inspite of Oprah's endorsement. I love Miss Winfrey like you, but some of the shit she bumped doesn't do it for me. C'mon! She's a 50 something black woman from Mississippi. I'm a 30 something black guy from Atlanta.
2. Oh yeah, back off Howard Stern while you're at it. He's on frigging pay radio, you conservative asshole. What more do you want? The people who want to ban or rid the world of something because THEY PERSONALLY find it offensive piss me off. Don't like Stern? Don't buy his channel on Sirius. These conservative people need to be taken to the dirt.
3. Now that I got a new Ipod, I've been downloading Air America podcasts, especially Mike Malloy. I was listening to him when he was on WSB 750 AM here in Atlanta years ago. The man takes no prisoners. I like that. It's a refreshing change from listening to the right wing vermin that pollutes the airwaves. Weird, I've downloading more radio shows than episodes of Lost.
3. Anyone, I repeat, ANYONE, who responds to the shifty ass President Dubya wiretaps with the "I don't care if the government looks through my personal life and records because I have nothing to hide" response should be beaten, kicked out of the country and have their American citizenship removed. No one who truly appreciates the freedom this country or the Constiution can condone any of this. Really. Look in the mirror. If your response to the government looking though your personal life and records without cause is " I have nothing to hide", then you need to leave the country or put a gun in your mouth because you don't understand the concepts of how this country was founded and the concept of lack of governement intrusion with cause.
4. Oh yeah, Judge Alito will probably be confirmed, unforuntaly. The guy is questionable at best and a butt buddy for big corporations at worse. Never sided for the normal guy. Always for government. What a tool.
5. James, the lobbyist heading to jail. He will hopefully, bust hell wide open and take some Republicans with him.
More later, people.