Within less than a year, this country is going to pick a new president. The Democrats offer the wife of a former president as its front runner while the Republicans offer a former New York City mayor who would have been forgotten if the most horrific terrorist attack on American soil did not take place during his administration. Both the Democrats and Republicans have weighed this country down with bickering and in fighting. It is going to take a dynamic personality to fix the ills of this republic. Since I can't do it myself because of that rule of having to be at least thirty five years old to be president, I only see one person that is currently in the public eye that can save us. It's not Al Gore. It's not Stephen Colbert. It's not even Oprah.
It's Amy Poehler.
Yes, that Amy Poehler. Saturday Night Live's Amy Poehler. Before you have me hauled off to the loony bin, Let me state my case. There are a few good reasons why one should consider having Amy Poehler as your next President of the United States.
She's quick on her feet: In addition to her tenure on Saturday Night Live, Amy is also a member of the Upright Citizens Brigade, one of the most distinguished improv group in the country. Believe me, improv is no joke. I've seen it done. I've done it myself with various degrees of success. You have to have a quick tongue and sharp wit for that. Amy can pretty much come up with a zinger on the spot. Unlike the current President, I think that Amy has the English language mastered. Plus she can do a skit or go in character to break the ice. Perhaps a great icebreaker would be a Hillary Clinton impression, which is so dead on every freaking time that she does it. Or if she has to be hard core, she breaks out Sharon Osborne. There has to be a good reason that she is one of three people in the history of Saturday Night Live to go from featured player to full cast member within their first season on the show. Skill, dammit, skill.
She's good with money: Poehler and the other citizen of the Upgrade Citizens Brigade used their money from classes to open the Upgrade Citizens Brigade, in which she is a co-owner. You have to have either to know how to run a business or know that you know you can't run a business and hire the right people. Knowledge to lead or to delegate authority, right? Plus, unlike our President's dad, I think she is more likely to know how much a gallon of milk cost. She knows how to count her asspennies. What are asspennies, you ask? Look it up.
She's married to Gob: She's married to Will Arnett. I don't know how he is in real life. However, if he is anything like his character on Arrested Development, then she has a lot of challenges ahead of her. If she can handle Gob, she can surely handled heads of state. Now that I think of it, Amy had a character that was married to Gob on that show. Plus, the performance in Blades of Glory was great. It was a weird sort of chemistry in a way. Actually, it was a bit scary. I'm not going to give it away. Go see the movie.
She's going to have some free time: According to Wikipedia, Amy is leaving Saturday Night Live after this season, assuming that there are any other shows this season due to the strike. I know she works at the theatre on Sundays, but that's it. She can work the presidential angles between films and such. Hey, if Clint, Arnold, and Reagan can hold public office, why not Amy? Then again, Ronald Reagan isn't a good example of actor turned public office holder. Don't even get me going on Sonny Bono. I'll just stick to Clint and Arnold. Presidents are just actors and figureheads anyway. They give speeches, pretend they care and veto bills based on their own opinion and not any legal basis. Might as well get a professional actor to do the job.
She actually has a clue about what is going on: Yes, I'm referring to her anchor job on the Weekend Update segment. C'mon people! This one should be a no brainer. With the intelligence level of this country, we need someone in the Oval Office that actually knows what going on. The average person can't even tell you who is running for President or even knows what's going on in the world. Amy knows. Don't even trip about Weekend Update not being a "real" news show. When The Daily Show and The Colbert Report gets 60 Minutes credibility that it doesn't even ask for, you know you got some juice.
We need choice in America. Both political parties have failed us. It's time for a new choice. Vote Amy Poehler.